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Monday, June 7, 2010


On July 31, 2001, First Lady Laura Bush wrote a letter to donors and supporters of Washington, D. C. culture. She was celebrating the future groundbreaking for a museum of the Historical Society of Washington.

The letter began in this way, "Dear Friends, September 11, 2001, will be a great day for our city!" Needless to say, plans changed.

How many times do we presume upon tomorrow? Our brother James wrote this, “13 Some of you say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to some city. We will stay there a year, do business, and make money."14 But you do not know what will happen tomorrow! Your life is like a mist. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away.15 So you should say, "If the Lord wants, we will live and do this or that." [NCV]

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