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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I Only Have Eyes for You

            Years ago, I heard a preacher tell about the ancient emperor, Cyrus, who systematically plowed through city states, territories, and countries—capturing the land and creating an empire.
            Legend has it that after Cyrus had conquered yet another Kingdom, soldiers brought him a defeated Ruler. With the Ruler was his frightened family.         
            Cyrus was known to test those whom he conquered. Hence, he asked the Prince, “What would you give me for your life?”
            “I would give you up to half of my kingdom,” the Ruler replied,
            Cyrus asked, “What would you give me for the lives of your children?”
            “I would offer you my entire kingdom and everything I have,” answered the Ruler.
            Cyrus saw a beautiful woman standing beside the Ruler, and he perceived it was his wife, so he asked, “What would you give me for the life of your wife?”
            The Ruler responded, “Then, Sir, I would offer you my very life itself.”
            This answer made an impression upon Cyrus. He decided to spare the family, including the Ruler, and he gave them their own plot of land to live on.
            Later, reflecting on the events, the Ruler spoke of Cyrus and said to his wife, “That Cyrus was a handsome man.”
            The wife quickly countered, “I would not know. For I could not take my eyes off of you.”
            There is something special about a bride who loves and admires her groom so much, she cannot take her eyes off of him. There is also something special about a groom who loves his bride so much that he would willingly give his life for her.
            In Jesus, we as the bride of Christ have a groom, who has willingly given up his life for us. Let us therefore fix our eyes upon Him.

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