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Monday, January 23, 2012

Follow the Sun

         A few weeks ago, I was duck hunting with my son Timothy. We were on land that I was not familiar with. We walked deep into the woods for almost two miles before we arrived at the river, upon which we planned to hunt.
         Walking back to the pickup after our hunt, I began to sense we were veering off course. This was an issue to me; I did not want us to get caught after dark trying to find our way on unfamiliar land.
         I had a compass with me, yet something did not seem right. I had been walking according the compass’s data, yet, as I looked at the sun, I became greatly concerned. "When did the sun start setting in the East?" I thought to myself. I knew that winter did crazy things to the sun and the seasons, but this?
         I had to make a difficult decision; should I trust the best data that the world has to offer, or do I follow the sun? I decided to follow the sun, and that made all the difference—Timothy and I safely made it home.
         The book of Hebrews tells us that you and I have to make that same sort of decision. We are confronted with the great question: do we follow the best data that this world has to offer, or do we follow the Son? Hebrews says—Follow the Son!
         That will make all of the difference. The Son will lead us home.

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