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Friday, January 29, 2010

Rolling Doubles

A few years ago, I read a fascinating book called THE GAME MAKERS. It told about the invention, manufacturing, and selling of some of America's most famous board games.

According to the book, an unemployed man, named Charles Brace Darrow, arrived at the office of Parker Brothers during the early years of the Great Depression. He had invented a game about buying, developing, and selling real estate. At first, representatives of Parker Brothers were not impressed. However, as the Great Depression deepened, that made the decision to purchase the board game.

A lot of work had to be done with the game, but after several conceptual changes, the company felt they had a viable product. However, George Parker, one of the founding partners, arrived from Europe and analyzed what his brain trust had produced. He was still very concerned over flaws he found in the game's rules. Parker was a stickler for details, and he believed one of the essential items of a good board game was well-written rules.

Parker set about re-writing the rules. He spent three days alone debating with members of his staff the wording of the rule regarding throwing doubles. Ultimately, his hard work paid off. MONOPOLY remains the gold standard of board games to this day.

Organization and administration are two words that are often considered "dirty" in today's churches. This is a mistake. George Parker's concern for details and organization reflected a God, who is detailed and organized. Just check out Genesis One and Two in its account of the creation.

I believe the organization and administration done in God's name, for the sake of God's kingdom, and in imitation of God, make for better churches. How about you?

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