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Thursday, September 29, 2011

My All Time Favorite Joke

            Okay, the following is my all-time favorite joke. I have updated to reflect current technology. If you are an after-dinner speaker, it is guaranteed to get you a laugh. You're welcome:

            A guy goes to the gates of heaven where he meets St. Peter. St. Peter says to him "God has looked at your book of life and you are welcome in heaven under one condition" 
           The man says, "What's that?"
            St. Peter says, "You must spell the word 'Love'." So the guy does and he is let into heaven.
            As he gets in, St. Peter's cell phone goes off with a text message. He tells the man to watch the gate until he returns, and reminds him that he must ask whoever comes to spell the word.
            Next thing you know, the guy’s wife shows up at the gate and he asks her what she is doing there?
            She says that on the way home from the funeral, there was an accident and she died. The husband says, “Alright, but you do have to spell one word first before you come in to heaven.”
            She asks, "What's the word?"
            The guy says, "Spell ‘Czechoslovakia.’"

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