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Monday, August 2, 2010

The Wrong Room

David Sargent wrote a story, a couple of years ago, which caught my attention. A young couple was married on June 6, 1981. Late that evening, after their reception, a bellboy took them into what they thought was their hotel’s elaborate bridal suite. Boy, were they disappointed!

The suite consisted of one room with a sofa and a hide-away-bed. The mattress had knots in it and the springs sagged.

The young couple slept fitfully and awoke with sore backs. The young groom was upset, and he decided to go to the front desk and complain to management.

The explanation he received made him feel sheepish. He returned to his room. There, he opened the door to what he and his new wife had thought was the closet. It wasn’t. It was a beautiful bedroom offering good wishes and gifts from the hotel, including fruit baskets and chocolates.

I know a lot of people who live life like that. Someone has given them exciting expectations. Instead, their experiences fall woefully short. It is because they have not opened God’s door to the abundant life found in Jesus.

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