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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Seeking $990,000 in Change

           Did you hear about the man in Lexington, North Carolina, who tried to fool a Wal-Mart cashier by buying a few hundred dollars worth of items using a one million dollar bill? Of course, the one million dollar bill was counterfeit.
            Somehow, the clerk sensed that something was awry. It might have been when the gentleman asked for more than $999,000 in change! Thinking quickly, the Wal-Mart employee called authorities and Michael Fuller was arrested.
            This story has gotten a lot of play on the Internet and in the media. With the largest bill currently in circulation being that of the $100 amount, it is easy to question how in the world Mr. Fuller could have expected to function in a culture with a proposed currency being so obviously out of whack.
            Unfortunately, he is not alone. I would argue that most people in our culture have a view of money that is out of whack. We place too high a value on the dollar amount, even when it is a real, legitimate, and government-backed currency. $100 does not buy nearly as much life as many of us think.
            I believe that was what Jesus meant when he said, "No one can serve two masters. The person will hate one master and love the other, or will follow one master and refuse to follow the other. You cannot serve both God and worldly riches” (Mt. 6:24.) NCV

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